@phdthesis{oai:kitakyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001039, author = {Nguyen, Khanh Linh}, month = {2022-12-20}, note = {Nitric acid gas (HNO₃) is an important species in either atmospheric chemistry or removal of atmospheric nitrogen process, and its concentration needs to be determined precisely. This study provided an assessment on the sampling artifact of HNO₃ in the filter pack by using the method itself. In the first part, a validation method for HNO₃ concentration under the impact of chlorine loss reaction and sampling artifact related to sea salt and the dissociation of NH₄NO₃ was successfully introduced by the use of a step-by-step approach via “Initial” HNO₃ and “Primary” HNO₃. In the second part, by simultaneous employment of the multi-stage filter pack systems, the role of the artifact related to H₂SO₄ on HNO₃ concentration determined by filter pack was confirmed. By that point, the existence of ambient H₂SO₄ was revealed and its source was attributed to a domestic volcano and the transportation of northwestern airmasses.}, school = {北九州市立大学}, title = {Assessment on the sampling artifact related to HNO₃ in the filter pack method}, year = {} }