@article{oai:kitakyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001073, author = {CHOWDHURY, Mahbubul Alam}, issue = {3・4合併号}, journal = {北九州市立大学法政論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study examines the Japanese workforce problems from the labor market and economic perspectives. It also looks at how the changing economy and demography, including the decreasing workforce and the rapid aging of the population, has affected the labor market. Aging is an immediate personal issue and a salient factor in crucial public policies, such as pensions, health, and long-term care. Japan has recorded an increase in its elderly population but a decrease in the working population. Thus, Japan’s economy will be greatly affected in the shortest amount of time due to this large increase in the elderly population and a decrease in the working population, along with a longer life expectancy. To overcome these problems, Japan must hire immigrants, but the number of immigrants is extremely low and has the lowest immigration rate. This rapid depletion of the working population in Japan has the least potential to support its older adults and contribute financial burden to the government. However, this study examines the implications of the Japanese government policies vis-?-vis the adoption of the elderly, women workforce, and immigrants in the labor market.}, pages = {27--48}, title = {Workforce Decrease as a Solution for the Elderly, Women, and Immigrant in Japan's Labor Market}, volume = {50}, year = {2023} }