@phdthesis{oai:kitakyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001094, author = {吕, 美}, month = {2023-05-27}, note = {Based on Streetscape big data and computer vision technology,the streets of typical coastal cities Qingdao and Fukuoka were selected as the site to explained the correlation between physical features and the perceptual features of urban streets to evaluation of the quality of street space. Combining the existing evaluation indexes of spatial perception from the expert and the public point of view , the study discussed the influence mechanism of physical parameters and perception. It proposed a method of locating street space design problems in coastal cities. The study not only will reflect the urban landscape current situation ,but also provide the basis to optimize the quality of urban street space design efficiently and large-scale. Moreover, it will promote the scientific development of urban construction and planning.}, school = {北九州市立大学}, title = {Research on Spatial Perception and Physical Features of Urban Streets based on Street View Big Data and Computer Vision Technology}, year = {} }