@phdthesis{oai:kitakyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001095, author = {戴, 安邦}, month = {2023-05-27}, note = {Architectural design used to be a job that relied heavily on the aesthetics of the architect, but nowadays architecture increasingly needs to take into account the feelings of the user. Architectural designers can use psychology, brain science, and behavioral science to understand the subjective aesthetics of the general public, we can understand how differences in certain architectural features can affect the emotional and aesthetic judgments of users. We are not sure whether the differences in aesthetic judgments of architectural features are related to the aesthetic education received. Therefore, in addition to comparing the results of experiments in Chinese populations with the results of Western aesthetic judgments of architectural features, we also try to understand whether age causes differences in aesthetic judgments. Therefore, this paper hopes to investigate the effects of ceiling height, openness and silhouette on different populations under various conditions through a series of instruments.}, school = {北九州市立大学}, title = {Study of the influence of different architectural features on aesthetic and pleasure value judgments}, year = {} }