@phdthesis{oai:kitakyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001100, author = {胡, 启念}, month = {2023-05-27}, note = {In the coastal areas, the industrial transformation has brought huge changes to local fishing village development. Qingdao West Coast New Area is one of the most rapid urbanization coastal areas in China, the fishing villages are experiencing unprecedented transformation. In this paper, the relationship between industrial transformation and fishing village development has been researched. This paper makes the definitions of four typical fishing village transformation types, i.e., fishery-dominated type (FT), fishing products processing dominated type (FPPT), fishing village tourism dominated type (FVTT), and Diversified development type (DDT), and takes four typical transformed coastal fishing villages in Qingdao West Coast New. A new composite indicator is proposed to evaluate the impact of industrial transformation on fishing villages based on the “Three F” dimension: Fishery, Fishing Village, and Fishermen, and its development process, internal logic, driving forces, and mechanisms, the interactive mechanism of industrial transformation and spatial evolution have also been explored.}, school = {北九州市立大学}, title = {Research on the industrial transformation of coastal fishing villages in China}, year = {} }