@article{oai:kitakyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00001110, author = {廣木, 和子}, issue = {21}, journal = {社会システム研究}, month = {Mar}, note = {This paper analyses C. S. Lewis's allegory. While this rhetoric of his succeeds in conveying his message in an intelligible manner, on the other hand, the over-simplified allegorical message also devalues his work as literature. By considering the influence of Romanticism on Lewis, this article examines the literary meaning of 'contraction' or 'simplification', a characteristic of his allegory. Lewis uses this Romantic effect of defamilialization to explain the miracles of Christ. The miracles of Christ are 'little wonders', which present this world of miracles to people in a way that is easy to understand by condensing and simplifying the 'great miracle'. This explanation of Lewis's account of Christ's miracles is, in fact, also an explanation of his method of allegory. In this way, the paper will analyze Lewis's allegory from the influence of Romanticism, but at the same time, it will also focus on Lewis's theory of original sin and analyze his anti-romanticism and pessimism.}, pages = {81--99}, title = {C.S.ルイスにおけるアレゴリーと縮約--ロマン主義の影響とキリスト教の再解釈}, year = {2023} }