@phdthesis{oai:kitakyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:02000046, author = {Siswanti Zuraida}, month = {2024-01-16}, note = {Utilizing disposable diapers in concrete and cement-based materials has become an alternative to reduce waste capacity and environmental impacts. The findings of current research conclude that SAP (Super Absorbent Polymer) as an essential component in disposable diapers could improve the self-healing of concrete structures as well as increase yield stress values, flexural strength, plastic viscosity, and elastic modulus. However, the current research mainly elaborates on the materials' microstructure, making the application of the finding’s intangible. This doctoral research investigated the application of disposable diapers to replace the use of fine aggregates in concrete and mortar. This study is aimed at examining the feasibility of materials to be implemented as building components. Through theoretical analysis and experimentation, the study analyzes the mechanical properties of materials, elaborates on environmental impact analysis, and estimates the availability of materials for the construction industry. For broad insight, the study also proposes a construction system for the materials by prototyping an actual house.}, school = {北九州市立大学}, title = {Study on recycling of disposable diaper as ecofriendly-concrete material for the application on building}, year = {} }