@article{oai:kitakyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000556, author = {松本, 守 and 後藤, 孝夫}, issue = {1・2・3・4}, journal = {商経論集}, month = {Mar}, note = {This study investingates the relationship between director bounses and performance of 23 Japanese listed railway companies. The analysis yields the following results. First, during 1993-2011, there was a significant positive influence of ROA(Return On Assets) on director bonuses. Second, during 1993-1999, when the Japanese government regulated market entry and exit in railway services, there is a significant negative influence of stock return and the number of board members on director bonuses. However, during 2000-2011, after the Japanese government deregulated the market, these indexes turns into a significant positive influence.}, pages = {71--86}, title = {日本の鉄道事業者における役員賞与と経営者インセンティブ--コーポレート・ガバナンスと規制緩和の効果に着目した実証分析}, volume = {52}, year = {2017} }