@phdthesis{oai:kitakyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000810, author = {ハン, ガクシュウ}, month = {2021-06-02}, note = {The recent increase in rainstorm waterlogging disasters has acutely threatened sustainable urban development in China. Traditional strategy to solve this problem was drainage capacity enhancing project. However, there is a new countermeasure emerged in Chinese cities: “sponge city”, which aims at enlarging the absorption of rainwater by increasing the curves of urban land. This thesis endeavors to make an effectiveness analysis on this new countermeasure from life cycle perspective. A novel framework is built to analyze flood risk control benefit of sponge city by 3D simulating urban inundation result. Finally, we have come to the conclusions that in target area though the assumed sponge city project is not effective from a private perspective, it is effective from a social perspective; by conducting cost-effective analysis between sponge city and traditional countermeasure, sponge city was verified as competitive not only from an economical perspective but also from an environmental perspective.}, school = {北九州市立大学}, title = {GIS-Based Social Cost Analysis on Integrated Urban Water Management: A Case Study of Sponge City in Harbin}, year = {} }