@phdthesis{oai:kitakyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000813, author = {チョウ, レイテイ}, month = {2021-06-02}, note = {Distributed energy systems can save energy cost, reduce environmental impact and improve the reliability of the power grid. However, its high investment and improper capacity caused poor economic benefits. Moreover, the current evaluation method with a single criterion is relatively simple and one-sided, which cannot reflect the comprehensive benefits of the DES. Therefore, this research proposed a distributed energy system (DES) composed of photovoltaic, energy storage and gas engine, and its grid stabilization and carbon reduction potentials were analyzed. Focusing on these advantages, a multi-criteria evaluation method was established to optimize the system. Finally, different case study scenarios of the DES utilization were demonstrated. It is hoped to improve the core competitiveness of the DES and promote its development.}, school = {北九州市立大学}, title = {Multi-criteria Evaluation of a Distributed Energy System Focusing on Grid Stabilization and Carbon Emission Reduction}, year = {} }