@article{oai:kitakyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000835, author = {クリーサー, フィオナ and 雪丸, 尚美}, issue = {152}, journal = {北九州市立大学外国語学部紀要}, month = {Mar}, note = {The project “Unity in Diversity: Inspiring Future Generations” was born out of the idea of creating a more equitable and inclusive student body within the University of Kitakyushu. The short-term aim of the project is to create a course initially for students of the English Department to teach them about diversity and inclusion, the long-term aim is to open the course to all students in the university. The course is accompanied by a bilingual (English/Japanese) workbook which can be easily adapted to suit all levels of English language ability. In addition to the workbook the authors are creating a pre-teacher training manual for students taking the teacher training course. This article specifically reports the summary of the first year of the project.}, pages = {11--22}, title = {Unity in Diversity: Inspiring Future Generations}, year = {2021} }