@phdthesis{oai:kitakyu.repo.nii.ac.jp:00000937, author = {グェン, ヴィェト ホアン}, month = {2021-12-25}, note = {The study was aimed at developing an alternative method to catch biodegradable concentrations in municipal wastewater, especially for designing wastewater treatment plants. The weekly and hourly concentrations of influent biodegradable carbonaceous and nitrogenous substances were successfully back-calculated in a dynamic manner using IWA-Activated Sludge Model No. 1 and field-test activated sludge reactors module. The application of the method in predicting blower capacities for biological WWTPs treating very high oxygen demand was also demonstrated. Moreover, the sensitivity of the method was additionally elaborated.}, school = {北九州市立大学}, title = {Mathematical model-based dynamic influent characterization to design biological wastewater treatment plants}, year = {} }